22 February 2006

No Sense of Decency

I'm all for dissent. I even encourage it. It's fundamental to our society and our country.


There's also decency and decorum.

In the 23 February issue of Stars and Stripes, there's a story about Cindy Sheehan. Apparently, she's bringing her protests and "Camp Casey" to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

That's right, the first stopping point for anyone who's wounded downrange is going to be protested by Cindy Sheehan.

In the article, the organizers say that they're there to show support and solidarity for the troops.


The say they're going to tour the facility and passing out books and homemade goods. But LRMC says they've received no such requests. Yup.

This is just despicable behavior. Ranks almost up there with protesting funerals.

(Wonder if she'll wear a t-shirt?)


Anonymous said...

Would be better if she went topless.

Anonymous said...

Oh Tom, not a picture I want in my head!

I wonder how many code pinkos are going with her?

Anonymous said...

The other possibility would be that if she wore a t-shirt, she would basically freeze to death.

Household6 said...

What pisses me off more than anything is that there are kids there! Hello folks, this hospital treats everybody not just the wounded. I GO there for my current medical treatment. So how is chanting protest crap going to affect those kids? Anybody in camp Moonbat think of that?


Mr Miller you should be banished to a remote island for even putting the visual in my head of that woman sans clothing - eww!

Anonymous said...

As one of the organizers of Cindy Sheehan's trip to Germany and France in March, I can assure you that there is NO plan to protest at the hospital, to have a "camp" anywhere near the hospital, or even to go to the hospital as a group.

Instead, as has always been planned, there will be a march from a church in Landstuhl to the road leading to the entrance to Ramstein air base, and there will be a vigil there. There will be some crosses put up near Ramstein symbolizing "Camp Casey."

The local German peace group in Landstuhl holds a similar march and vigil every month, led by a pastor in Landstuhl. No reason Cindy can't walk with them just this once, since she's visiting Germany.

Yes, we do want to bring gifts for the wounded soldiers. The local pastor has been making the arrangements to give the gifts in a manner hopefully acceptable to everyone, such as having a chaplain or other representative go to the church in Landstuhl and pick them up.

American Voices Abroad member

Anonymous said...

Well, that sounds very nice and polite, but I'm left wondering, why anonymous?.... If you are that proud of what you are doing?

SCEagle said...

Anonymous, eh?
Ok... "Anonymous"... in the next post I made, I copied verbatim the information from American Views Abroad, the group sponsoring and coordinating these events.

Recently, Ms. Sheehan has posted a comment to a different protest site saying she doesn't want to protest at Landstuhl. Good for her.

Here, unedited, are her comments:

I have been invited to speak to the European Union Parliament in March in Strassbourg, Germany . My message will be one of peace and non-violent unity against the out of control murderous and disastrous policies of the Bush Administration. I wrote extensively about meeting with other world leaders in my article, "Friends don't let Friends Commit War Crimes." (www.truthout.org/docs_2005/010206Q.shtml)

My message to the EU will focus on "we the people" forcing the leaders of all countries to work diplomatically and peacefully to solve problems. It is time we reach across artificial borders of lines drawn on a map to forge bonds of love and friendship with all members of humanity no matter what color, religion, language group or nationality that other person is. Killing other members of the human race is barbaric and abhorrent and should never be used to solve conflicts. This is so important with the current beating of the war drums against Iran, and we must not let off the President of Iran for his inflammatory and non-peaceful statements. The wonderful and innocent citizens of Iran don't deserve the fate that the undeserving citizens of Iraq received and are receiving on a daily basis still.

In the frenzy and excitement of my trip to Germany, some well meaning pacifists in the area have scheduled me to set up a Camp Casey outside of Landsthul, Germany, in front of the military hospital. I won't agree to do that.

The Camp Casey movement is pro-peace and pro-soldier. We love our troops so much that we want them to come home alive from the fiasco in the Middle East.

Camp Caseys have been set up all over the USA and the world and they are set up in front of the seats of power. The politicians and the war machine got us into this war, our soldiers are trying to protect each other and do the best that they can do under horrifically difficult circumstances.

The Camp Casey in Germany could be moved to a place where people with decision making power can see it. The soldiers have very little to say in their fates after they enlist (which is an entirely different subject) but especially the ones who have already been wounded in the service of their country…no matter how evil and greed-serving the phony mission is.

Let's set up Camp Caseys in front of recruiter's offices to stop our children from even enlisting to wear a uniform for the war profiteers. Let's set up Camp Caseys in front of the Pentagon…Congress…Congressional offices…embassies…the White House…propaganda media centers…war profiteers…President's vacation homes…Karl Rove's DC home…the list for valid protest locations is endless...but not in front of our troops.

Our struggle is with the industrial military complex and the people who put our soldiers in harm's way in the first place for no valid reason and who are keeping them in harm's way despite all evidence that this war is a nightmare and a mistake.

Let's leave our soldiers out of our protests. They have been put through so much by their commander in chief and his callous cronies already.

Cindy Sheehan is the proud mother of Spc. Casey Sheehan who was KIA in Sadr City, Iraq, on 04/04/04. She is the author of Not One More Mother's Child available at www.koabooks.org. Cindy is also the founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace ( www.gsfp.org). Above all, Cindy is the very proud mother of Carly, Andy, and Janey Sheehan who hold down the fort in California.